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Spring Fever!

Carol McTier

I simply love working in my gardens. There’s nothing more peaceful than sitting on the ground and digging in the dirt. The wonders God works in dirt never cease to amaze me. When I plant new seeds, I check them every day to see if there are any new sprouts. I know it takes time and the proper environment – sun, temperature, moisture – but it is just so uplifting to see those leaves pushing up through the ground with promises of blooms or vegetables.

I work my way through winter, watering in my greenhouse, coaxing plants along in the cold temperatures, covering beds in freezing temperatures and uncovering when the rain comes or things warm up. Growing vegetables in the winter is sooooo tedious. Plants seem to take four times as long to grow. Instead of watching daily changes, it’s weekly changes. I’m not picking lettuce every two or three days – it’s every seven to ten. Winter lasts forever!

Then it happens. That one day that creeps between the cold and dreary days of winter. The sun comes up and shines. The temperatures rise to sixty degrees. And it hits!!! Spring fever! My husband says I go crazy! My inner gardener arises and breaks forth. I start filling up flats with dirt, shopping for seeds, prepping raised and container beds for seedlings. Bugging my husband about breaking up ground with the tractor and tiller. Of course, the weather doesn’t last. My husband reminds me the temps will drop again so we can’t plant yet. Still, I know Spring is just around the corner.

We change format regularly on our farm. The first year it was all tilled rows in the garden. Next we added mulch and drip lines. The following year we worked in some raised beds. Last year it was container beds. This year I added in plans for growing some cut flowers and herbs…..starting with the herbs I over wintered and the bulbs I put in for March and April harvest.

Some of the bulbs I have been experimenting with!

I guess the point of all this is - farming is a year round activity. Most of the hard work and harvest takes place in the warmer weather. Still, much of the planning and prep work take place during the colder days of winter. I have learned to appreciate those winter days, if for no other reason than the contemplation of what could be in the coming growing season. What grew well this year. What didn’t grow worth spit. Possibilities for additions to the line ups.

Today is the first spring fever day of this winter. I am happy to report I have ordered new seed varieties as well as replaced those favorites missing from our stash. We are putting in another raised bed – my birthday present – and I’m trying to sweet talk my husband into more container beds, as well. I never would have thought I would be thrilled at the prospect of getting dirt for Valentine’s Day. Boy, have times changed. So early spring fever is here and plans for a carrot bed and extended lettuce bed are in the works! Every day is an adventure on the farm. Spring fever signals a new season and adventures down at McTier Family Farm. Here we grow again…..


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