I love seeds. As many of you know, I have stated numerous times that buying seeds is my addiction.
“My name is Carol McTier and I am a seed addict.”

There is something redeeming in seeds. Just to think, in that small little vessel lies the potential for a plant, a new life – gorgeous flowers – delicious vegetables! Wow! And people doubt there’s a God. I love seeds. I love to shop for them – comparing this variety with that, looking at seed to harvest time, do I want red tomatoes or purple, heirloom varieties or hybrids. There are so many choices! I love to plant seeds too. This plant needs to be seeded in cells, these need to be top seeded so the light will encourage germination, this one needs to soak in water 24 hours before planting and this one needs to go straight in the dirt. I place my orders and wait anxiously for their arrival. I definitely get in my steps everyday trotting back and forth to the mailbox! And then they’re HERE! It’s just like Christmas! Opening a present! Which varieties came, which are back-ordered? And then the fun begins. Seeding. Planting those tiny little seeds, dropping them one by one with tweezers into the pre-soaked cells. Poking holes in the flats I’ve had waiting and dropping seeds in the holes before covering again with soil. Cleaning up beds and turning up the soil to scatter the top germinators. Rejuvenating container beds, adding soil and compost and waiting for seedlings to transplant. Weeding raised beds and prepping for little plants. Tilling the garden, adding compost and laying out rows. Then, it’s another waiting game. Checking daily – sometimes two or three times – looking for those tiny little sprouts peeking out of cells or pushing their way through seeding soil. I know the package said there was 1000 seeds, but are there really that many?
"Yes, dear…but I only planted 5 packets.” “No dear, I’m sure I didn’t plant that many.” “Honey, I think I’m going to need a few more container beds…..how many? Oh, a hundred or so…..there’s no need to yell! Oh, and do you think this year we can till up another acre or two? It didn’t seem like there were that many seeds when I ordered them! How was I to know there really are 1000 seeds in that little bitty packet? How many flats did I seed? Oh, not really sure….I didn’t count.” “Honey, are you okay? Honey?”
Just fyi for those of you that are wondering – there really are 1000 seeds in that little envelope. And when it says to expect 94% germination – they’re not kidding! Mom always said I had a green thumb. So I check my seedlings daily, counting and recounting. Hmmmmm….where am I going to put them all? Seedlings by the thousands! Here we grow again….hahaha!