While sitting at the Farmer’s Market here in our local community I often get asked how I got into selling produce. After all, my husband and I both have college degrees. We have full time jobs. We have a big family. Who has the time or the inclination to farm?
Well, as I stated in a previous blog, Troy tilled up that first small garden so I would be able to get outside and have some physical activity after my knee replacement surgery. For those of you who know me, I am of the “more the merrier” inclination…ha-ha!
We ventured to both our local feed and seed stores to see what seedlings they had for sale in February of that year. To my surprise, there were lots of offerings! Growing up, my dad grew all the old reliables – squash, cucumbers, corn and tomatoes. Who knew there was so much to plant in early spring. Who knew there were so many varieties of lettuce? I had never given lettuce much consideration. Which types grew the fastest? What kind would my family prefer? Which type would grow well in our good old southern red dirt? So what does someone in my shoes do? She buys a 6-pack of every type they have of course. After all, it was only six plants of each….how much could that make? It’s only lettuce right?
Well let me tell you – it can make a lot! I actually ended up with 8 varieties of plants: a red romaine, a green romaine, a butter crunch, a red sails leaf, Swiss chard, curly kale, spinach and Chinese cabbage. Not all lettuces of course but leafy greens. I didn’t mention the few other things like broccoli and herbs, but I digress.
I happily carried my seedlings home and planted them in the garden. My husband, being the sweetheart he is, put in a simple drip irrigation line and we were off! Needless to say in just a few weeks’ time, I was harvesting lettuce for a fresh salad for every evening meal. And then I was picking greens for friends and neighbors in addition to feeding us. And then I was picking lettuce for my co-workers. And then I was filling up the vegetable drawers in my refrigerator with gallon bags of greens! Lettuce was coming out of my ears! Who would have thought those little plants could produce so much! While talking on the phone with my daughter, Hannah, who was at that time serving as an intern with the Georgia Farmer’s Market Association, she said, “ Sell it, Mom. People love fresh produce! Post it on social media or take it to the farmer’s market.” So I did.
I posted gallon bags of mixed greens on Facebook and my phone blew up with the responses. I couldn’t believe it! After all, we live in the country. I thought everybody in the country had a garden. Apparently, even in the country, with today’s lifestyles and busy schedules, people just don’t have the time or inclination to garden. They do however love fresh produce. And so, McTier Family Farm was born. In the early days we grew for our family and sold all the excess. Each year we have experimented with new types of vegetables. A Rainbow chard here, a Chinese cabbage there. I apparently have an affinity for lettuce and many of our customers now call me “the lettuce lady.” So now, through trial and error, we have expanded our garden to help provide fresh produce from McTier Family Farm to both our family and community. We love it! We hope you do too!