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And then there were flowers...

Carol McTier

Over the past several years, I have taken great interest in companion planting. The concept that planting certain varieties of plants together to eliminate or at least greatly reduce pest problems appeals to me. Not only are pesticides expensive, but I can’t help but wonder what effect they have on humans if they kill bugs. The end result has been a somewhat hodgepodge compilation of plants in our gardens. Being a florist by trade, I naturally love flowers. I know my granddad always liked to plant marigolds in his vegetables and as a child I never gave it much consideration. Now I know it was because they are a natural repellent for several unpleasant bugs. In keeping with tradition, I also plant marigolds in my garden for the same reason and because I just like them. One particular companion I added last year was borage. All the articles I read praised the plant for its medicinal uses as well as being a deterrent for horn worms in tomatoes. I’m sure many of you have had the pleasure – not - of being visited by horn worms. Those fat green creatures that appear as if by magic overnight and devour every leaf on your tomato plants leaving naked twigs in their path. I despise those suckers. Anyways, last year, I added borage to our garden and planted it right next to my tomatoes. Granted, last year wasn’t a great year for tomatoes, but we had no problems with horn worms. None! I couldn’t believe it. We have never gone a total growing season without several run ins with the worms. In addition to that, the borage sent up stalks of beautiful blue flowers that I added to the bouquets I took to the Farmer’s Market. Definitely a win-win situation.

Mixed flower bouquets we sell at the local farmer's market!

I have always planted sunflowers in our garden. Mainly because I love seeing their bright faces throughout the pasture. During my research, I discovered sunflowers help cabbage and broccoli by attracting wasps that are predators for cabbage worms. Isn’t it amazing how God weaves all these lives together to color our beautiful world and create balance?? I plant zinnias every year because I LIKE them! They come in a huge varieties of colors, bloom all summer long and last forever when cut and put in a vase. So, once again, while researching I discover zinnias are a great companion plant to discourage cucumber beetles. Awesome! Of course, I used all this to justify all the flowers I want to plant. This year, I am really getting carried away with the flowers. Our daughter is getting married so why shouldn’t we grow flowers we can use in the wedding, I ask? We should! Just an excuse to plow up more ground and buy more seeds. I’m trying for stock, lisianthus, straw flowers, astilbe, dahlias and amaranth. Who knows what else I will come up with for planting in the summer and fall! If they do well, I’ll have to do research to see if they will make good companions. Here we grow again…..


2594 Lexington Road

Washington, GA 30673


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