I love the change of the season. I am always amazed when the Lord touches the earth and transforms everything that grows to suit the changing climate. My favorites are spring and fall – those milder temperatures that allow me to spend all my spare time in the garden. Even so, there is just something special about spring. Watching the plants and trees be reborn, shooting springs of green and tiny blossoms. I don’t understand how anyone can question miracles. One of my favorite things about spring are bulbs. I know many gardeners don’t favor bulbs because they’re a lot of work. Planting, mulching, weeding, cutting, digging up and storing to cool to replant in the fall, starting the process all over again. My daddy always said the best things in life are worth working for…. Bulbs are a perfect example. I plant bulbs every year. I don’t always dig them back up to cool, but I have always planted them for my pleasure. I love the tulips, daffodils and hyacinth. They just make me happy. With the increase of flower sales at the Farmer’s Market, I had the perfect excuse to buy more bulbs. You know, just a few, to supplement the flower sales at the spring market. They were all so pretty….. and they were cheaper in the bulk packages….. and it was sooooooo hard to choose! So I ordered more, lots more…. more than I realized until I got down on my hands and knees to plant them. Well, needless to say, we should have plenty of bulbs to cut for the market. While I purchased mostly the atypical types, tulips, daffodils and hyacinth – I also had to experiment with a few different things – anemone, ranunculus, narcissus, bearded iris, Dutch iris – so many choices. Surely a thousand or so bulbs will be enough….. we’ll see. I can always order more for next year! Here we grow again!